Novel Nanostructures could usher in touchless displays

Researchers in Germany are working on what they call the next step in computer interface. What makes the system work is phosphatoantimonic acid. This acid takes up the water and turns it into energy, which is what leads to the touchless display. This depends on the amount of sweat we have on our fingertips.

Dragonfly vision to build a better bionic eye

Researchers in Australia have simulated what it's like to see through a dragonfly's eyes. Having their 360 degree vision could prove useful in driverless cars, security cameras, and bionic eyes. Having this would cause less collisions on the road with the cars and overall better security cameras. They chose to study the dragonfly because they don’t believe they’ll be solving the human brain anytime soon. Learning how the dragonfly’s eyes will help further vision related activities.

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